


教师 生物
蒂娜皮特 蒂娜皮特

Ms. Pitts is an 行政助理 in the 多学科研究学系 and in the Department of 经济学. 自2013年11月以来,她一直在澳门合法赌场官网工作. 她之前在社会工作部门的工作中, she assisted with several mental health conferences at the Landsbaum Center for Health Education. 她自2018年起担任员工议会成员, 目前在工作人员关系委员会任职, as well as a second term on the Staff Executive Committee as the Staff Grievance Liaison. She is a Sycamore SafeZone advocate, is also currently a member of the LGBTQIAP+ Caucus. 在她的业余时间,她喜欢轮滑和玩琐事.


教师 生物
Adeyemi床铺 Dr. 阿德耶米·多斯博士.D

Dr. Adeyemi床铺 is an Assistant Professor in the 多学科研究学系, 他在那里教各种社会学课程.  他持有M学位。.A. 和Ph值.D. in African American and African Diasporic Studies with a minor in 哲学 from Indiana University, 布卢明顿. 作为一名学者. Doss' research interests are shaped by a growing trend towards producing scholarships that address issues facing African American men and boys. 他的研究提出了关于黑人主体性的重要问题, 黑人空间流动模式, 身体抵抗.

露丝·费尔班克斯 Dr. 露丝·费尔班克斯

露丝L. Fairbanks is a Senior 教练 in the 多学科研究学系 at 澳门合法赌场官网. 在ISU, 她教性别研究(性别研究导论和性别), 种族和国家)和美国历史(美国卫生政策的历史), 移民历史, 20世纪的美国妇女.  Dr. 费尔班克斯目前是国际滑联性别研究项目的联合协调员. In 2017-2018, she had a Fulbright fellowship teaching American Studies in Norway. Dr. Fairbanks earned her PhD and MA in history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 她拥有海勒姆学院的学士学位. Dr. Fairbanks is currently working on a book about American maternity policy from 1940 to 1993. She is also writing a role playing game about the utopian socialist experiment in New Harmony, 1825年的印第安纳.

Namita Goswami炮轰道: Dr. Namita Goswami炮轰道:博士.D

Dr. Namita Goswami炮轰道: is 哲学教授 in the 多学科研究学系. 她在汉密尔顿学院获得学士学位,在埃默里大学获得博士学位. Dr. Goswami loves to teach and received the Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award (2019). 她的研究结合了欧陆哲学, 后殖民, 重要的比赛, 女权主义, 酷儿理论. 除了在诸如 希帕蒂娅迹象philoSOPHIA批判种族哲学当代美学Angelaki的联合编辑 为什么种族和性别仍然很重要交叉方法 (皮克林 & Chatto 2014). 她是……的作者 重要的科目哲学、女权主义和后殖民理论 (纽约州立大学出版社2019). In 2020, she was awarded the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research/Creativity Award. 她目前正在完成一本关于加亚特里·斯皮瓦克的书.

阿曼达Lubold Dr. 阿曼达·卢博尔德博士.D

Dr. 阿曼达Lubold is an 社会学副教授 in the 多学科研究学系. Dr. Lubold自2014年以来一直在ISU工作. 她有博士学位.D. 他在亚利桑那州图森市的亚利桑那大学获得社会学学位. Dr. Lubold的澳门合法赌场官网是性别社会学和医学社会学. Her research interests lie at the intersection of gender, health, the workplace. 具体地说, her research has focused on the ways in which the workplace serves as a structural barrier for family life, 尤其是在美国.

Dr. 卢博尔德教授社会学和性别研究方面的各种课程. She encourages you to come try out a class – it just may change your college experience!

在她的业余时间,博士. 卢博尔德一有空就打网球. She is the head girls’ tennis coach and assistant boys’ tennis coach at Terre Haute North High School. Dr. Lubold also loves hanging out with her dog, Stanley, spending time with family and friends.   


Dr. 被拿到

Dr. 被拿到 is an 社会学助理教授 and 附属学院 in 性别研究 at ISU. Zir的工作重点是性别动态, 性取向, 以及社会中的宗教, 特别关注LGBTQIAP+人群. 具体地说, much of their research centers the experiences of bisexual+ and transgender individuals, particularly how bi+ and trans people navigate and challenge inequalities in their daily lives. 在业余时间,Dr. 马瑟斯喜欢读小说, 徒步旅行, 园艺, 和他们的伴侣和三只可爱的猫在一起.



Dr. 托马斯Steiger

我是社会学教授.  I graduated from the University of Florida, Virginia Tech, the University of Illinois.  我从1987年秋天就在国际州立大学了.  I arrived at ISU with scholarly and teaching interests focused on inequality in the workplace.  But since arriving at ISU and early affiliation with the (then) Women’s Studies program, my disciplinary DNA began to degrade and now I think of myself as multidisciplinary but my sociological origins remain strong.  My scholarly and teaching interests have evolved over the years and those interests reflect my growing multidisciplinarity.  I’ve worked with economic geographers studying the impact of NAFTA on the floriculture industry in northwest Ohio.  I developed an interest in sustainability and was part of the group that lead to the creation of the Institute for Community Sustainability at ISU.  我发表过关于可持续性和手工酿造的文章.  My multidisciplinarity has aided me greatly in directing the Center for Student Research and Creativity.  Most recently I have turned my multi-disciplinary eye to social justice and social movements in the classroom and am working with an economist on a research project currently titled “Work Attitudes and the Political Prospects for Guaranteed Annual Income.不当教授的时候,我更喜欢航海.  我在印第安纳波利斯的盖斯特水库有一艘帆船, 我正在努力考船长执照. 


教师 生物
斯科特•鲍威尔 斯科特·鲍威尔博士.D

斯科特 M. 鲍威尔是一位屡获殊荣的教育家, 作者发表, global traveler who was raised by a single mother in a rural Southeastern Ohio Appalachian community. He has dedicated his academic and professional life to helping all students reach their educational goals because he is a living example of how education can drastically improve lives despite struggles. He started college as a non-traditional first-generation student at an open admissions college and worked his way to a PhD at a public research university and a career as a college professor.


鲍威尔是俄亥俄大学和肖尼州立大学的校友,拥有博士学位.D. 在文化研究和教育方面, 社会学硕士学位, 澳门合法赌场官网历史澳门合法赌场官网的重要研究生课程, 还有历史和社会科学学士学位. He holds a certificate from Indiana University’s Institute for Curriculum and Campus 国际ization and has been a participant in the Global Learning Across Indiana Initiative. He has years of teaching experience at several types of institutions of higher education. 除了在澳门合法赌场官网做讲师之外, he is a full professor at Ivy Tech Community College and serves as lead instructor for several courses in St. 玛丽的森林在线项目. He is a regular presenter at national conferences in multiple fields and has authored books, 演讲, 以及其他关于各种主题的作品. 最近,他与人合写了一本社会学教科书 社会学观点


教师 生物
Veanne安德森 Dr. 维安·安德森博士.D
Dr. Veanne N. 安德森获得了博士学位.D. 1985年从安大略省汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学毕业.  她教授心理学中的多样性和伦理学课程, 女性心理学, 研究方法, 以及关于性别和性的课程.  她的研究兴趣包括性别和性, 对女权主义者的态度, the experiences of and attitudes toward people of different gender identities and sexual orientations.  她是心理学系(根厅)的教授, B-208),并在性别研究项目中有一个附属职位. 

Dr. 詹姆斯Gustafson
国际研究项目主任 詹姆斯.Gustafson@1e1v.com

詹姆斯米. 古斯塔夫森是现代伊朗环境历史学家,著有《 柯曼与卡扎尔帝国:伊朗现代性的地方维度.